Nama Naga - Elemen Naga - Elemen Kelemahan Naga - Resists (0.5 damage) - Immune (No Effect)
NB : Nama Naga - Elemen Naga - Elemen Kelemahan Naga - Resists (0.5 damage) - Immune (No Effect)
Alien Dragon -- Sea & Metal Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Alpine Dragon -- Terra & Ice Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Armadillo Dragon -- Terra & Metal Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Atlas Dragon -- Sea, Terra & Nature Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Aurora Dragon -- Electric & Flame Types -- Nature, Sea & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Aztec Dragon -- Terra & Flame Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Bat Dragon -- Dark & Terra Types -- Terra, Nature & Pure Dark Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Battery Dragon -- Electric & Metal Types -- Nature, Sea & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Blizzard Dragon -- Sea & Flame Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Block Dragon -- Electric & Dark Types -- Nature, Sea & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Brontosaurus Dragon -- Nature & Terra Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Butterfly Dragon -- Nature & Flame Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Cactus Dragon -- Terra & Nature Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Carnival Dragon -- Metal & Flame Types -- Electric, Dark & Pure Metal Weakness -- Resists Metal & Terra -- Immune to Flame
Carnivore Plant Dragon -- Nature & Dark Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Cerberus Dragon -- Dark, Flame & Terra Types -- Terra, Nature & Pure Dark Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Chainmail Dragon -- Metal & Flame Types -- Electric, Dark & Pure Metal Weakness -- Resists Metal & Terra -- Immune to Flame
Chameleon Dragon -- Terra & Electric Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Chinese Dragon -- Flame & Terra Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Cloud Dragon -- Flame & Sea Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Cool Fire Dragon -- Flame & Ice Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Coral Dragon -- Nature & Sea Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Crystal Dragon -- Legend Type -- Legend Weakness -- Resists Physical Attacks
Dandelion Dragon -- Nature & Ice Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Dark Dragon -- Dark Type -- Nature, Terra, Pure Dark & Light Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Dark Fire Dragon -- Dark & Flame Types -- Nature, Terra, Pure Dark & Light Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Deep Forest Dragon -- Nature & Terra Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Demon Dragon -- Dark, Flame & Metal Types -- Terra, Nature & Pure Dark Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Dragonfly Dragon -- Nature & Metal Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Dujur Dragon -- Flame, Electric & Ice Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Electric Dragon -- Electric Type -- Nature, Sea & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric, Ice & Light -- Immune to Metal
Evil Pumpkin Dragon -- Dark & Nature Types -- Nature, Terra, Pure Dark & Light Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Firebird Dragon -- Flame & Nature Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Flame Dragon -- Flame Type -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Flaming Rock Dragon -- Terra & Flame Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Fluorescent Dragon -- Electric & Ice Types -- Nature, Sea & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric, Ice & Light -- Immune to Metal
Fossil Dragon -- Dark & Ice Types -- Nature, Terra, Pure Dark & Light Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Ghost Dragon -- Dark & Terra Types -- Terra, Nature & Pure Dark Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Gold Dragon -- Metal & Electric Types -- Electric, Dark & Pure Metal Weakness -- Resists Metal & Terra -- Immune to Flame
Granite Dragon -- Terra & Flame Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Great White Dragon -- Terra & Ice Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Gummy Dragon -- Nature & Electric Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Hades Dragon -- Sea & Dark Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Hedgehog Dragon -- Terra & Dark Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Hot Metal Dragon -- Electric & Flame Types -- Nature, Sea & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Hydra Dragon -- Electric & Sea Types -- Sea, Nature & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Ice Dragon -- Ice Type -- Flame, Metal & Pure Ice Weakness -- Resists Ice & Sea
Ice Cream Dragon -- Sea & Ice Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Icecube Dragon -- Sea & Ice Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Ice&Fire Dragon -- Flame & Ice Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Jade Dragon -- Nature & Metal Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Jelly Dragon -- Sea & Terra Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Jellyfish Dragon -- Sea & Nature Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Joker Dragon -- Flame & Dark Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
King Dragon -- Metal & Flame Types -- Electric, Dark & Pure Metal Weakness -- Resists Metal & Terra -- Immune to Flame
Lantern Fish Dragon -- Sea & Electric Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Laser Dragon -- Flame & Electric Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Lava Dragon -- Flame, Terra & Dark Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Legendary Dragon -- Legend Type -- Legend Weakness -- Resists Physical Attacks
Love Dragon -- Flame, Electric & Nature Types -- Sea, Electric & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Mars Dragon -- Sea & Nature Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Medieval Dragon -- Flame & Metal Types -- Sea, Electric & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Mercury Dragon -- Sea & Metal Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Metal Dragon -- Metal Type -- Electric, Dark & Pure Metal Weakness -- Resists Metal & Terra -- Immune to Flame
Mirror Dragon -- Legend Type -- Legend Weakness -- Resists Physical Attacks
Mojito Dragon -- Nature & Ice Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Moose Dragon -- Electric & Ice Types -- Sea, Nature & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Mud Dragon -- Terra & Sea Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Music Dragon -- Flame & Electr1c Types -- Sea, Electric & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Nature Dragon -- Nature Type -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Neon Dragon -- Electric & Dark Types -- Nature, Sea & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Nenufar Dragon -- Sea & Nature Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Ninja Dragon -- Metal & Nature Types -- Electric, Dark & Pure Metal Weakness -- Resists Metal & Terra -- Immune to Flame
Octopus Dragon -- Dark & Sea Types -- Nature, Terra, Pure Dark & Light Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Paladin Dragon -- Electric & Terra Types -- Sea, Nature & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Paradise Dragon -- Nature & Flame Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Pearl Dragon -- Ice & Metal Types -- Flame, Metal & Pure Ice Weakness -- Resists Ice & Sea
Penguin Dragon -- Ice & Dark Types -- Flame, Metal & Pure Ice Weakness -- Resists Ice & Sea
Petroleum Dragon -- Sea & Dark Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Pharaoh Dragon -- Electric & Terra Types -- Sea, Nature & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Pirate Dragon -- Dark & Sea Types -- Nature, Terra, Pure Dark & Light Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Plankton Dragon -- Sea & Terra Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Platinum Dragon -- Metal & Ice Types -- Electric, Dark & Pure Metal Weakness -- Resists Metal & Terra -- Immune to Flame
Poo Dragon -- Terra, Sea & Dark Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Poseidon Dragon -- Sea Type -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Queen Dragon -- Metal & Nature Types -- Electric, Dark & Pure Metal Weakness -- Resists Metal & Terra -- Immune to Flame
Quetzal Dragon -- Nature & Flame Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Rattlesnake Dragon -- Dark & Nature Types -- Nature, Terra, Pure Dark & Light Weakness -- Resists Dark & Electric -- Immune to Ice
Robot Dragon -- Flame & Metal Types -- Sea, Electric & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Santa Dragon -- Ice & Terra Types -- Flame, Metal & Pure Ice Weakness -- Resists Ice & Sea
Sea Dragon -- Sea Type -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Seahorse Dragon -- Sea & Nature Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Seashell Dragon -- Sea & Metal Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
Sky Dragon -- Terra & Electric Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Snowflake Dragon -- Terra & Ice Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Soccer Dragon -- Ice & Flame Types -- Flame, Metal & Pure Ice Weakness -- Resists Ice & Sea
Spicy Dragon -- Flame & Nature Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Star Dragon -- Terra & Electric Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Steampunk Dragon -- Flame & Metal Types -- Sea, Electric & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Storm Dragon -- Sea & Electric Types -- Flame, Dark & Pure Sea Weakness -- Resists Sea & Nature -- Immune to Terra
St Patrick Dragon -- Nature & Electric Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
T-Rex Dragon -- Flame & Electric Types -- Sea, Electric & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Terra Dragon -- Terra Type -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Thanksgiving Dragon -- Flame & Sea Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Tropical Dragon -- Terra & Nature Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Two Headed Dragon -- Nature & Dark Types -- Terra, Ice & Pure Nature Weakness -- Resists Nature & Dark -- Immune to Sea
Uncle Sam Dragon -- Electric & Metal Types -- Nature, Sea & Pure Electric Weakness -- Resists Electric & Ice -- Immune to Metal
Vampire Dragon -- Flame & Dark Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Venom Dragon -- Terra & Dark Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Viking Dragon -- Ice & Sea Types -- Flame, Metal & Pure Ice Weakness -- Resists Ice & Sea
Volcano Dragon -- Flame & Terra Types -- Electric, Sea & Pure Flame Weakness -- Resists Flame & Metal -- Immune to Nature
Waterfall Dragon -- Terra & Sea Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Wind Dragon -- Legend Type -- Legend Weakness -- Resists Physical Attacks
Wizard Dragon -- Terra & Dark Types -- Ice, Metal & Pure Terra Weakness -- Resists Terra & Flame -- Immune to Electric
Zombie Dragon -- Metal & Dark Types -- Electric, Dark & Pure Metal Weakness -- Resists Metal & Terra -- Immune to Flame
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Kamu udah punya Coolfire dragon??? aku gk bisa breedingnya... -_-
ReplyDeletesudah donk :D