I'm kinda messed up right now.
I'm feeling terrible.
I don't know why my tears rolling down
I don't even know what's my problem
I know all my requirement is all done, and now is only exam coming up
I should study, but I kept not getting focus
I hate my self even more for that
I scrolled my phone for hours
I can't communicate
I don't know what's wrong with me
I'm suffocated in this house
I just wanna keep in touch
I can't focus
I wanna escape
I have no money
I just wanna die
Don't wanna live long life
I'm so fucked up
I'm lonely
I'm thirst for accompany
But since it's impossible
I'm stressing out
My heart feels gonna explode, soon, real soon
All of this make me depressed
Please take my life
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